Floor Area Ratio (FAR) Calculator Noida

What is FAR?

Floor area ratio (FAR) is the ratio of a building`s total floor area to the size of the plot of land upon which it is built

Calculate Your Home FAR Noida

What does the FAR determine for us:​

Maximum Area you can build
Maximum number of Floors you can build
Maximum height of your Building

      FAR In Noida (As per By-Laws )   

Area of Delhi Plot (sq. meter) Max Ground Coverage (%) Front Setback (mtrs) Rear Setback (mtrs) Side Setback (mtrs) FAR (Floor Area Ratio)
Upto 50 75 1.5 1.5 180
Above 50 -75 75 1.5 2.0 180
Above 75 – 120 75 2.0 2.4 180
Above 120 – 200 75 3.0 2.4 180
Above 200 – 300 75 3.5 3.0 180
Above 300 – 400 65 4.0 3.0 3.0 180
Above 400 – 500 65 4.5 3.5 3.0 180
Above 500 – 750 60 5.0 3.5 3.0 150
Above 750 60 150

Click on the link to Visit the government site: FAR Noida

Calculating Floor Area Ratio(FAR) in Noida for your Plot


Assume that a plot of land comes with a floor area ratio (FAR) of 3.0, and the plot area is 1,000 square feet.

FAR = 1000 Sq. Feet plot area x 3.0 = 3000 square feet.

What is the formula for number of Floors as per Maximum Ground coverage & FAR

Total Plot area x Maximum Ground Coverage (%) = A

Total Plot area x Permissible FAR = B

Number of floors permissible = B ÷ A

Let us understand why the floor area ratio (FAR) is important and has been defined by the Government: Any land plot or an area in the city has a limited capacity of taking building load and fundamentally it is not right to put additional stress beyond this capacity. This is true for both your plot as well as the whole city.
Hence the FAR has been defined for the well being of all the Citizens in order to keep them safe. FAR is also thus known as Safe-Load Factor
The FAR guidelines are defined by the Municipalities and different localities and areas can have different FAR based on the safety and load bearing capacity of that area The FAR Ratio will differ depending on the population density, construction-related activities, growth patterns, and the nature of the building’s space or land.

Click on the link to Visit the government site: Floor area ratio

What is not included in FAR

Unoccupied areas like parking, garages, elevator shafts, and basements are not included in the calculation of a floor area ratio*.
For more details when you speak with our Sales Representatives and the Architect, we will be able to give you the exact calculation for your plot as well as the areas not included in floor area ratio (FAR) your locality